Subject-verb agreement:-

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Subject-verb agreement

Subject-verb agreement is a grammatical concept that ensures harmony between the subject and the verb in a sentence. This agreement is crucial for maintaining clarity, coherence, and grammatical accuracy in written and spoken language. In English, the subject of a sentence (which can be a noun or a pronoun) must agree with the verb in terms of number (singular or plural). This agreement helps convey the intended meaning and avoids confusion in communication.

Basic Principles of Subject-Verb Agreement:

1.Singular Subjects and Singular Verbs:

  • When the subject is singular, the verb must also be singular.
  • Example: The cat is sleeping.

  • 2.Plural Subjects and Plural Verbs:

  • When the subject is plural, the verb must also be plural
  • Example: The dogs are barking

  • 3.Compound Subjects:

  • For compound subjects joined by "and," use a plural verb.
  • Example: Tom and Jerry are friends.
  • For compound subjects joined by "or" or "nor," the verb agrees with the subject closest to it.
  • Example: Neither the cat nor the dogs are hungry.

  • 4.Indefinite Pronouns:

  • Some indefinite pronouns, such as "everyone," "someone," and "nobody," are singular and require a singular verb.
  • Example: Nobody wants to miss the party.
  • Others, like "both," "many," and "several," are plural and require a plural verb.
  • Example: Many have already submitted their assignments.

  • 5.Collective Nouns:

    A collective noun, representing a group, can take either a singular or plural verb depending on whether the emphasis is on the group as a whole or on the individual members.

  • Example: The team is practicing for the match. (singular emphasis)
  • Example: The team are arguing among themselves. (plural emphasis)

  • 6.Subjects with Quantifiers:

    The verb agrees with the noun closest to it when the subject includes quantifiers like "one of," "each," or "every".

  • Example: Every student and the teacher has a role to play.

  • 7.Intervening Words:

    Words or phrases that intervene between the subject and the verb do not affect the agreement.

  • Example: The stack of books is on the table

  • Importance of Subject-Verb Agreement:

    1.Clarity in Communication:

    Proper subject-verb agreement ensures that the relationship between the subject and the action is clear, reducing the risk of misinterpretation.

    2. Grammatical Accuracy:

    Adhering to subject-verb agreement rules contributes to grammatically correct sentences, enhancing the overall quality of writing.

    3. Effective Expression:

    Agreement helps convey the intended meaning accurately, allowing writers and speakers to express themselves more effectively.

    4. Professionalism:

    In formal writing and professional communication, maintaining subject-verb agreement is crucial for presenting a polished and credible image.

    5. Avoiding Ambiguity:

    Misalignment between the subject and the verb can lead to ambiguity, where the reader or listener may struggle to discern the intended message.

    Common Challenges in Subject-Verb Agreement:

    1. Collective Nouns:

    Deciding whether to use a singular or plural verb with collective nouns can be challenging, as it often depends on the context and intended emphasis.

    2. Indefinite Pronouns:

    Some indefinite pronouns, like "all," can be either singular or plural based on context, requiring careful consideration.

    3. Compound Subjects:

    Understanding the rules for compound subjects and applying them correctly can be tricky, especially when using conjunctions like "or" and "nor".

    4. Complex Sentences:

    In complex sentences, identifying the true subject and ensuring agreement with the verb can pose challenges.


    Subject-verb agreement is a foundational aspect of English grammar that governs the relationship between the subject and the verb in a sentence. Mastering these rules is essential for effective communication, ensuring that ideas are conveyed accurately and comprehensibly. Writers and speakers who pay attention to subject-verb agreement contribute to clear, polished, and grammatically sound language use.

    Let's provide 10 example sentences for each type of subject-verb agreement:

    1.Singular Subjects and Singular Verbs:

    1. The cat sleeps peacefully on the windowsill.
    2. student from our class always brings homemade cookies.
    3. The sun shines brightly in the morning sky.
    4. Each team member has a specific role to play.
    5. The car in the garage needs a new battery.
    6. An interesting book captivates readers from the first page.
    7. My brother is an excellent guitar player.
    8. The news on television is often sensationalized.
    9. The movie at the cinema starts at 7 PM.
    10. A cup of coffee in the morning is my daily routine.

    2.Plural Subjects and Plural Verbs:

    1. Dogs bark loudly in the neighborhood.
    2. Students in the classroom raise their hands to answer questions.
    3. Birds in the trees sing harmoniously at dawn.
    4. Many employees have expressed their concerns.
    5. The members of the committee disagree on the proposal.
    6. Several books on the shelf fall to the ground.
    7. The children in the park play together happily.
    8. Cars in the parking lot create a traffic jam.
    9. The teams on the field compete fiercely.
    10. People in the city celebrate the festival with enthusiasm.

    3. Compound Subjects:

    1. Tom and Jerry are popular cartoon characters.
    2. Either the cat or the dog wants attention.
    3. Neither the teacher nor the students have the correct answers.
    4. My brother and sister enjoy playing board games.
    5. The cat and the kittens are resting in the sun.
    6. Both the car and the motorcycle need repairs.
    7. Neither the apples nor the oranges are ripe yet.
    8. Either the pen or the pencil is fine for the task.
    9. My friends and I are planning a weekend getaway.
    10. Neither the movie nor the book captures my interest.

    4.Indefinite Pronouns:

    1. Everyone in the room is invited to the party.
    2. Somebody has left their umbrella in the hallway.
    3. No one knows the answer to that question.
    4. Each of the students has a unique talent.
    5. Everything in the store is on sale.
    6. Somebody in the office knows how to fix the printer.
    7. None of the information is accurate.
    8. Neither of the options appeals to me.
    9. Somebody from the team has won a prize.
    10. Everything on the menu sounds delicious.

    5. Collective Nouns:

    1. The team is celebrating their victory.
    2. The jury deliberates for hours before reaching a verdict.
    3. The family goes on a vacation every summer.
    4. The flock of birds flies gracefully across the sky.
    5. The committee meets once a month to discuss matters.
    6. The orchestra performs beautifully on stage.
    7. The class is attentive during the lecture.
    8. The government decides to implement new policies.
    9. The audience cheers for their favorite team.
    10. The staff is working hard to meet deadlines.

    These examples showcase different scenarios of subject-verb agreement, emphasizing the importance of maintaining consistency for clear and accurate communication.